Son dönemde enflasyonun etkisiyle sıkça gündeme gelen 500 TL’lik banknot iddiaları, bu kez daha somut bir açıklama ile tekrar ön plana çıktı. Ekonomist Şenol Babuşçu, sosyal medya üzerinden yaptığı açıklamada, Merkez Bankası’nın bu yeni banknot …
Balıkesir’in Burhaniye ilçesinde Zeytin Efe Gazetesi’nin imtiyaz sahibi Hakan Sataroğlu, CHP’li Belediye Meclis Üyesi Nadir Bayram tarafından saldırıya uğradı. Saldırı anı, güvenlik kameralarına yansıdı. Sataroğlu, yere düşerek başına aldığı tekme darbeleriyle bayılırken, Bayram ise …
World News
Elon Musk and brother under investigation for alleged insider trading
by Rabia Rabia S.Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
World News
Western powers have realised Russia is largely immune to sanctions
by Rabia Rabia S.Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …
Australia’s F1 star Oscar: ‘I want to get there on merit, not buy a seat’
by Rabia Rabia S.Light pollution is a modern scourge but a concerted effort to bring the darkness to Wales is under way – with the help of astronomy strolls led by experts wielding …